“ProMushroom” Cultivation Process
Pro Mushroom Co.,Ltd. aspires to be a part of society and in your heart by providing clean and safe "Quality Enoki mushroom."
Step 1 - Cultivate bottle preparation
Crush all high-quality Enoki ingredients derived from natural sources, such as Rice Bran and Dried Corncob.
Crushed Dried Corncob - is the main ingredient in growing high-quality, nutritious Enoki mushrooms.
Blended Rice Bran - is another important food for growing high-quality and nutritious Enoki.
Step 2- Sterilisation by heat
The cultivate bottle will be heat sterilised at -100 degrees Celsius, effectively killing all bacteria and viruses.
Heat disinfection or Steam steriliser - Sterile by steam sterilisation at -120 degrees Celsius.
Step 3 - Enoki cultivation
The Cultivate bottle is sterile and clean. Take these bottles to a temperature-controlled room. It is suitable for cultivating, culturing and sporing Enoki mushrooms.
Our proficient team - takes good care of the mushroom spore. They constantly check the quality to ensure that it is not contaminated. Everything we have done is certified by global standards.
Anti-dust system - the entire manufacturing process is run through an air purifier system, ensuring no dust and no contamination.
Step 4 - Growing process
Take the cultivate bottles to a temperature, humidity and light-controlled room with our high technology system. In addition, we have an air purifier that produces pure oxygen and eliminates dust (including PM 2.5 ). The entire process is designed to ensure that our Enoki has high quality and grown perfectly.
Heartfelt cultivation - cultivation room is controlled by our expert team. They take good care of the growing Enoki. The temperature, light and humidity are all managed under modern technology.
ProMushroom takes special care in growing Enoki - The entire process is purified, and dust is eliminated.
Step 5 - Harvesting process
After a proper period, the Enoki has grown to a perfect height based on Global Agriculture standards. The environment is always fresh and non-chemical. ProMushroom is harvested and carefully packed into vacuum packaging and standard packaging.
Harvesting Enoki - we carefully harvested and classified Enoki with our skilled staff.
High standard packaging - ProMushroom has global standard packaging and an accurate weight standard.
Step 6 - Reusing waste Enoki as a fertiliser
We recycled waste Enoki from the manufacturing process and used it as a fertiliser, an important source of natural minerals. In addition, it is used as a good fertiliser for our internal banana trees, which are grown up as an Eco-cycle and are essential for sustainable agriculture.
The recycling process - is the Enoki cultivation waste, such as soil made of natural elements and Enoki food.
Enoki mushrooms can be cooked into various dishes such as soups, stir-fries, salads, etc. It adds delicious flavour and texture to any dish while providing essential nutrients for a healthy diet.
Check out more secret dishes here. https://www.promushroom.com/book/th/pm/promushroom-th#page/1
Prioritize your health by adding Enoki Mushrooms to your dish and boost your immune system.
Keep in touch with us: https://www.promushroom.com/th/contact-us